Lauren Oliver is the cofounder of media and content development company Glasstown Entertainment, where she serves as the President of Production. The underlying theme that love will win out regardless of prohibition is a powerful idea that will speak to teens.” - School Library Journal About the Author The abrupt ending leaves enough unanswered questions to set breathless readers up for volume two of this trilogy.” - Kirkus Reviews (starred review) “From the grief-stricken shell of her former self to a nascent refugee and finally to a full-fledged resistance fighter, Lena’s strength and the complexity of her internal struggles will keep readers up at night.” - Kirkus Reviews (starred review) “Following directly on the heels of Delirium, Pandemonium is equally riveting. Lena’s gradual awakening is set against a convincing backdrop of totalitarian horror. Like all successful second volumes, this expands the world and ups the stakes, setting us up for the big finale.” - Booklist Praise for Delirium: “Strong characters, a vivid portrait of the lives of teens in a repressive society, and nagging questions that can be applied to our world today make this book especially compelling and discussable.” - School Library Journal (starred review) “After this second book, fans of Oliver and of dystopian fiction will be clamoring for the final installment of the trilogy.” - Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA) “If.you crave the heart-stopping action of the arena from The Hunger Games combined with a destined-to-be-doomed love story then this sequel is perfect for you!” - Praise for Before I Fall: “Samantha’s attempts to save her life and right the wrongs she has caused are precisely what will draw readers into this complex story and keep them turning pages until Sam succeeds in living her last day the right way.” - Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA) (starred review) Praise for Delirium: “In dystopian America, love has been outlawed as the life-threatening source of all discord.

Lauren Oliver has written an extraordinary debut novel about what it means to live―and die.” - Carolyn Mackler, author of Tangled and The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things, a Printz Honor book “This is a romance in the purest of senses, where just the longing for the faintest taste of love is worth the greatest of risks.

Praise for Before I Fall: “Oliver’s debut novel is raw, emotional, and, at times, beautiful.readers will love Samantha best as she hurtles toward an end as brave as it is heartbreaking.” - Publishers Weekly (starred review) Praise for Before I Fall: “Before I Fall is smart, complex, and heartbreakingly beautiful.